Current Issue

Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 9/30/24

Year: 2024

 PRESS aims to create an international platform for working together of these disciplines which are seen as different from each other and producing common and effective solutions to current and future human psychological problems. Today, it has become impossible for sciences to work as separate disciplines. On the contrary, it is imperative that disciplines work together to produce effective solutions. In order for the researches of psychology to be effective, it is necessary to collaborate with researchers in the field of application. Most of the problems in the field of education and social sciences are specific so that they can be solved by means of psychology. In this respect, the Journal of Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences (PRESS) seeks to fill a major gap in this scientific field.

Aim & Scope

PRESS aims to be an academic platform for "educational psychology" and "social psychology" research, which is the fundamental mystery of the individual and society. The number of academic journals on the axis of psychology research, education and social sciences is increasing. There are very few academic journals that create a discussion platform by examining psychology in the axis of education (individual) and society. PRESS aims to be the most followed academic media in the research and applications of psychology on the axis of society and the individual. PRESS is a region where social mobility has been experienced throughout history, due to the region of the Middle East countries where it was founded. It is also among the goals of the Middle East laboratory to be the unifying home of the comprehensive theories of the West.

The PRESS is an international refereed scientific journal which publishes review and research article related scopes are as below;

* Education psychology
* Social psychology
* General psychology

Instruction for Authors

Thank you for choosing PRESS to submit your article. The instructions we will give you will relieve you of your article being ready for the peer review process, turning it into production and reaching the publication stage smoothly. Please take some time to read and follow the steps. We declare that we will support you at every stage, our contact information (e-mail and whatsapp) in this regard is on our website. Do not hesitate to contact us.

This journal uses the Dergipark Journal System. This system is an academic journal software developed by the Scientific And Technological Research Council of Turkey and is still being developed. Please read the guide for Dergipark Journal System authors before making a submission. The complete instructions for preparing your article and submitting it to PRESS are given below.

About the PRESS
Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research with high quality and potential for impact. Please read PRESS's Aims & Scope and Peer Review Policy statements. Please note that this journal only publishes articles in English.
The Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences only accepts orginal articles.

Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences has chosen the Open Access model to reach the real audience, increase the visibility, attribution and readability of your articles, and make scientific knowledge a common commodity for all humanity, rather than just a high-income commodity for developed countries or an elite. You can read statements about this Open Access Policy.

Peer Review and Ethics
PRESS and its affiliated publishing house, Genç Bilge Publishing, declare their commitment to peer review with high ethical standards. Your article will go through Editorial Prereview after Similarity Report review (must be below 15%), pre-review of ethical committee permissions. This is the stage where the decision is made about the suitability and originality of your article for PRESS's Aims & Scope. This is how your article is ready for peer review by independent and field experts. In line with PRESS's Peer Review Policy statements, peer review is carried out quickly and efficiently, with minimum deficiencies, maximum ethical sensitivity.

Please note that before submitting your article to the Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences; to prepare your Similarity Reports (you can use Turnitin, Ithenticate software), Ethics Committee Permissions, Cover Letter, Conflict of Interest, Author Contributions statements in which you claim the originality of your article.

Getting Your Article Ready
Writing Rules
Manuscripts should be written in APA style.
Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word.
It should be use a normal 11-point EB Garamond for text.
All portions of the manuscript must be typed 1,15
It should not be indent the first line of paragraphs, and other paragraphs are indented 0.50 cm.
Please give short quotations in italics within the quotation marks " " and the page number cited at the end in parentheses.
Please note that long quotations should be indented without quotation marks.

Article Sections and Order
Abstract (350-450 words)
Introduction (included in literature review, conceptual framework, importance)
Problem of Study (Main and sub-problems)
Method (included in Research Model, Participants-Sampling, Data Collection Tools, Data Analysis, Procedure)
Results (It should be presented depending on the research problem)
Discussion (Up-to-date citations from quality journals and original articles in important indexes should be given)
Conclusion (Must be at least one page, present the entire article in summary)
Recommendations ( For Researchers and For Applicants)
Limitations of Study
Acknowledgements (Thanks, support funds, permissions, conflict interests, authors' contributions should be written in this section)
Biodata of Authors (Photo, name-surname, graduated schools, important studies, specialties, academic social media links; Like Researchgate, AcademicEdu)
References (It should be meticulously written in accordance with APA style, checked, not self-citation)

In order for your article to be ready, we offer you a word version of a published article as a template. Please edit the page number, header and footer settings without changing them. We present you Templated Article for PRESS.

Page Limit
A typical paper for this journal should be no more than 35 pages, inclusive of: Appendix

The References section is one of the most important parts of the article. Please prepare it in accordance with the APA style, with 10 points and single spacing.

Checklist for Submit an Article
Author Information Details and Records to Dergipark Journal System: Please check that all authors have registered with the Dergipark Journal System before submitting an article. Please note that the ORCID of each author will be requested by the Dergipark Journal System during registration. Therefore, do not forget to register the ORCID beforehand. Authors are registered to the system only after they approve the verification emails sent by the system. We recommend that authors fill out their profiles in the Dergipark Journal System completely.
Cover Letter: Do not forget to prepare the Cover Letter stating the ethical elements, originality and other aspects of your work.
Copyright Transfer Agreement Form: This form is requested to be uploaded while submitting the articles of the authors. Download the form by clicking this link, make sure that all authors have signatures.
Similarity (Plagiarism) Report: You can use software such as Turnitin, Ithenticate for this report. Note that the similarity rate must be less than 12%.
Keywords: Identify up to five key words. Make sure that keywords are effective and discoverable.
Ethics Committee Permission: If your research is a research that requires ethics committee approval, this permission must be obtained and uploaded during the article submit process.
Figure, Photos: Please upload the high resolution files of the figures and photos in the Manuscript separately during the submission.
Data Sharing: To allow other researchers to use the data you use in your research, or for transparency, use the infrastructure of internationally supporting organizations and indicate this in the manuscript.

Submitting Your Article
Submission of your article is done through Dergipark Journal System. This system is a software where all records are kept, article progress reports can be created, and the corresponding author can submit it on his own. The article submission steps are quite easy. However, due to the software, you may not be able to click the confirmation button in the pop-up that appears at the last stage, you may need to adjust your computer's settings or use another computer for this.
You can always get help during the submission process by using the contact information on our website. Please make sure that all authors are registered in the system beforehand and complete the submit process.

Publication Charges
There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.

If you have any queries, please contact us here.

Updated 22nd October 2022

PRESS Ethics Policy

A number of ethical policies have been developed by the editors and the editorial board to ensure the impartiality and ethics of the work to be published in the Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences (PRESS). These policies include processes related to authors, reviewers, editors and studies. The following ethical duties and responsibilities are written in the light of the guide and policies made by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Authors submitting studies to the PRESS are expected to fulfill following ethical responsibilities:
 The authors should obtain "Ethics Committee Approval" regarding their work.
 Studies must be original and up-to-date. All reference works must be cited or quoted fully and accurately.
 Names that do not contribute to the study are not to be specified as authors. Conflict of interest or relationships must be explained (if available).
 Raw materials of submitted article(s) can be requested within the framework of evaluation processes. Authors must submit the requested data and information to editorial and science boards.
 Authors are liable to cooperate with editor in informing journal editor or publisher, correcting or withdrawing in case that an inaccuracy or error is detected about any published or under-review study.
 Authors are not to submit their studies to application processes of multiple journals.Any study published in other journal is not to be submitted to the PRESS.
 Any under-review study submitted to another journal is not to be submitted to PRESS.
 Any process such as adding-removing author, changing the order of authors cannot be demanded for a study under review process.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editors

The editor and field editors of PRESS should hold the following ethical responsibilities that are based on the guides "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published as open Access by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
General Tasks and Responsibilities
The editors have the following roles and responsibilities
 Ensuring the development of the journal in national and international sense,
 Managing processes to improve the quality of published studies,
 Conducting processes to apply ethical rules for all shareholders of the journal,
 Updating publishing and ethical policies with the purpose of bringing contribution to the development of the journal,
 Organizing and updating website of the journal.
Relationships with Readers
Editors must consider readers’ feedbacks towards publishing, scope and ethics of the journal. They must improve the studies published in the JIAE in consideration of interests and needs of readers. In addition, they must be liable to respond the questions of readers in line with ethical rules.
Relationships with Authors
Responsibilities of editors to authors are as follows;
 They must submit the studies to editorial board to decide whether the studies are to be sent to reviewers or not,
 They must to inform authors about publishing and ethical policies,
 They must prevent possible conflicts between authors and reviewers,
 They carry out “Double-Blind Review” in a healthy way and to ensure an unbiased evaluation process,
 They must assess the demands of authors towards not to send their studies to reviewers with whom they have conflict of interest,
 They must affirm demands of authors to withdraw their studies under review process,
 They must assess authors’ objections to reviewer and editor decisions/reports and to initiate a new review process where available.

Relationships with Reviewers

Responsibilities of editors to reviewers are as follows;
Editors must
 Choose a suitable reviewer in related field of the study,
 Ensure information and guidelines needed by reviewers during review process,
 Monitor any conflict of interest between authors and reviewers,
 Keep information of reviewer confidential,
 Encourage reviewers to be unbiased,
 Respond questions of reviewers about publishing and ethical policies,
 Update the pool of reviewers with the purpose of improving,
 Remind reviewers about timing,
 Encourage reviewers to make constructive, polite and appropriate review.
Relationships with Editorial Board
Editors must
 Arrange meetings with editorial board with certain intervals,
 Provide information and guidelines to editorial board about publishing and ethical policies of the PRESS,
 Improve the journal in consideration of feedbacks of the editorial board,
 To ensure objectivity of the members of the editorial board,
 To encourage editorial board to make review in scientific framework,

Author Rights:
Author(s) can;
 Detect the reviewers to whom the studies should not be sent due to conflict of interest and/or other ethical reasons,
 Withdraw their unpublished study during review process,
 Oppose to reviewer reports and editor decisions,
 Demand erratum for information errors or problematic areas in the given study to be published in the first issue due to error in fact during publication process.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

Studies submitted to the PRESS are reviewed by at least two reviewers in the related field. Ideas of editor or a third reviewer are asked in case of equity between negative and positive views on the article during reviewing process.
 Double-blind review process has been adopted in the PRESS, authors and reviewers are not aware of each other’s identity,
 Reviewers are expected to read publishing principles of the PRESS,
 Reviewers should accept to review only the studies in their specialty fields, and not to accept reviewing the manuscript in the field of which they are not expert even for having information about the topic of the given article,
 Reviewers should refuse reviewing when they realize they cannot be objective,
 Reviewers should complete the review process in a certain period of time, and review on unbiased and confidentiality terms
 Reviewers should refuse reviewing in case of a conflict of interest and inform editor about it,
 Reviewers should inform editor when the reviewed manuscript has already been submitted to any other journal,
 Reviewers should reviewing manuscript in a constructive and polite language, and not to comment personal views such as hospitality, insult and reflation,
 Reviewers should make sure that the review is related to the content of any given manuscript. They should pay attention not to bring the effect of religion, race, sex, political views and so on to review process.
Journal Policy

Reviewing and Publishing

All manuscripts sent to the (PRESS) need to follow the principles below in order to get in the process of evaluation and publishing processes. The manuscripts which do not fulfill the requirements of publication principles and the writing rules are not accepted and kindly returned to the author(s).
 The manuscripts should not be previously published work or should not be under consideration or peer review for publication elsewhere. Papers presented in congresses – on condition that has not been published as a full text in congress books – and manuscripts from dissertations should have a footnote including the necessary information. Author(s) have the responsibility of all contents in the manuscripts.
 All manuscripts submitted to the PRESS are subjected to a screening by the editorial board in terms of scope and writing rules. Editorial Board may reject the submissions which do not comply with the principles of the PRESS. After the screening screening, all manuscripts are sent to at least two external/independent referees for blind review. The referees are given 30 days and a new referee is appointed if any one of them does not express an opinion in the given period of time. Manuscripts are required to have an “issuable” report by at least two referees in order to be published. In case of any rejection from one of the referees, a third (or forth if required) referee is appointed. Author(s) are responsible with the revisions (if any) recommended by the referee(s) in 30 days. The accepted manuscripts proceed to the publication process. After the proofreading process, a DOI number is assigned and the manuscript appears in Online First section. The manuscripts published Articles in Press section are printed in an upcoming issue depending on the decision of the Editorial Board. Authors may withdraw their work while in the pre-control phase. It is not possible to withdraw the studies in the referee evaluation.
 Neither referee(s) nor author(s) know the personal information of each other. All this privacy policy is under the responsibility of the editorial office.

Plagiarism Detection

Before the submission all manuscripts submitted to PRESS must be screened for plagiarism using applications like iThenticate© and Turnitin© by the author(s) and a plagiarism report must be submitted with the manuscript. The similarity percentage for the complete work must be less than 15 % and less than 3 % from one source. However, it is necessary to review each similarity above %1 and decide whether it is necessary to revise the article for the good of the author(s). PRESS will immediately reject papers leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism.

Open Access Policy
PRESS is an Open Access journal and provides immediate open access to its contents. The Journal aims to promote the development of global Open Access to scientific information and research. All the articles published in PRESS are licensed by CC-BY-NC-ND

Article Publication Charge
PRESS does not charge article publishing fees.

There is no Article Processing Fee for JIAE. However, for some articles, it may charge a fee for operations such as layout and editing, and this will be notified to the author after the article is submitted.